What is anime magic?
Anime magic is an event held in the state of illinois for those who appreciate japanese animation and culture. we are an event that is attended by many and a space that allows attendees to meet and talk to others with similar interests, while providing a wide array of entertainment for all attendees throughout the weekend.
When is Anime Magic? How long is it?
Anime Magic! 2023 will be August 18-20th, 2023. While there may be slight variances in time, the convention typically starts on friday around 10am and ends on sunday around 5pm.
Who runs this convention?
Check out our Staff page! Anime magic! is run by a group of like minded professionals who have a long history of attending conventions. we are a convention by fans, for fans. click here to meet the staff!
What does the "Magic!" in Anime Magic! stand for?
The "magic!" of Anime Magic! stands for our mission statement, which is in part, to bring the "magic" back to anime conventions that we, as a staff, experienced in our youth. It is also to bring new "magic" and inspiration to the convention scene in ways that no one has ever seen before.
What is there to do at Anime Magic?
There are tons of things! we have panels, guest signings, special guests, concerts, dances, video rooms, vendors, an anime "theater", masquerade, and so much more! head over to the programming tab at the top to check out more!
Does Anime Magic! run "24 hours"?
From opening ceremonies to closing ceremonies, we never shut down completely. There are events throughout the night and certain rooms that are open 24 hours a day for the entire weekend.
Where are all the events held? Is there a map of the convention?
Anime Magic! is held at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare & Donald E Stephens Convention in Rosemont,IL . The program guide will have specifics of when and where to go for each event.
Is there a limit on how many attendees can enter?
There is no limit to the amount of attendees that can enter Anime Magic!. However, certain rooms or events may have limits due to fire code rules and space. The event itself has no cap, however, like any other large event we ask that you try to be mindful of not blocking hallways or other attendees.
“Pending” - This means the order was successful.
“Fulfilled” - Your order status will change from pending to fulfilled when the order is shipped, or when you pick it up in person at the event.
We typically start shipping badges 1-month prior to the start of the event, and continue shipping up until 2 weeks prior.
Badges typically take 3-5 days to arrive once shipped. It may take shorter, or longer depending on your location.
Merchandise orders placed 2 months or longer before the convention typically ship within 1 week, and take 3-5 days on average to arrive.
Merchandise orders placed 2 months or less before the event typically will ship along with your badge(s) if you ordered them, and may arrive closer to the convention date.
Merchandise orders placed for pick up will be available for pick up at the convention, either at Registration or our Official AM! Merch Booth.
What is Cosplay?
Cosplay is short for “Costume Play”. Cosplayers often create their own, or have costumes made of their favorite characters that they will then wear to conventions such as Anime Magic!. Many cosplayers are very proud of their work, and you will see them walking around the convention halls throughout the weekend.
Is Cosplay required at Anime Magic?
No! While cosplay is welcome, you don’t need to cosplay to attend Anime Magic. In fact, many people do not cosplay at all but still enjoy seeing other people cosplaying at the event!
What is the Cosplay Contest?
The Cosplay Contest at Anime Magic! is a craftsmanship based competition where cosplayers compete for prizes and trophies. It is one of the main events of the convention, so don’t miss it!
What determines which guests attend Anime Magic?
There are many factors involved such as availability, timing, popularity, and reputation. We are open to suggestions, so if you have someone in mind you’d like to see at Anime Magic!, head over to Contact Us
What is the likelihood of getting *insert guest name here* to attend Anime Magic?
As stated above, some of the factors affecting this are timing, availability, etc. However, some guests are very hard to secure, while some are much easier than others. There are many factors that may be out of our control. Feel free to make your suggestions, we will always do our best to see if we can get your favorite guest to attend Anime Magic if they are the right fit for our event!
What is the autograph policy at Anime Magic?
This is usually in our Guidebook, so please check there for the most up to date information.
Where’s the programming schedule?
Anime Magic! utilizes the Guidebook App for scheduling. Our Guidebook app is published each year prior to the event, typically between 2-4 weeks prior.
How will I know if there are changes to the schedule? How do I find what went on at events that I missed?
Our Guidebook app will always have the most up to date information on scheduling. In fact, we can even post notifications to let you know when something major changes! Guidebook will also provide you with descriptions and schedules for all events, including those that you may have missed.
I want to join Anime Magic staff! Who should I contact?
If you are looking for a general staff position, please follow this link and fill out our form: Staffing
If you would like to submit for a management or directorial position within Anime Magic!, please submit your resume to richard@animemagic.org
What can I expect being on staff?
Expect a lot of work! Seriously, it takes a lot of time, energy, and work to put on a convention. You can expect to miss some or most of the convention. You will be expected to follow direction from your assigned department, and to be respectful and courteous to both staff as well as attendees. You can expect to meet and work with an awesome group of people who want to put on the best event possible!
What time commitment can I expect if I’m on staff?
It will vary depending on the position and the department. Please check with your department head for more information!
What kind of tasks are expected of staff?
There are a wide range of skills needed by our convention. Some examples include but are not limited to: Media production, Customer Service, Publicity, Marketing, Crowd Control, Medical, Technical Knowledge, Project Planning, and much much more. If you have a specific skill set that you would like to work with, we can place you in a department to utilize your skills to the fullest!
Does Anime Magic! offer refunds on badge purchases?
Unfortunately we do not offer refunds on badges. Please purchase with care and read our full refund policy at checkout.
Does Anime Magic! offer badge transfers?
Unfortunately, we do not allow badge transfers. If you have a specific request, you may contact us, but please be aware our policy is that no transfers are to be made.
Do you offer discounted badges for children?
Currently, we offer free entry for children 7 or under. We do not have any other current discounts available.
Why is there a weapons policy?
Our goal is to provide a safe environment for all attendees. We follow the rules and laws of Illinois as well as Rosemont, IL and comply with all regulations.
If I have feedback on Anime Magic, where do I submit it to?
After the event each year, we provide a public feedback form for attendees to fill out and provide extensive feedback to us so we may provide a better event each year for you. If you have feedback in the mean time, please Contact Us.
If I have a complaint about unruly behavior in the hotel or at the convention center, what should I do?
The easiest and quickest way to get a response would be to contact the front desk at the hotel or convention center. They will coordinate with our Security team to resolve the issue. Never take matters into your own hands! If you witness or experience an emergency, please call 911 immediately.
What if my question wasn't answered here?
Any other comments, concerns, suggestions or questions can be directed to our contact us page.