Anime Magic! IAFF

(Indie Animation Film Festival)
  • Animators, we are excited to announce the Anime Magic! Indie Animator's Festival! A brand new presentation designed to give independent animators a stage to showcase their works to a captive and enthusiastic audience as part of a presentation on our Main Events stage during Anime Magic! 2024!

    This showcase is a presentation designed to celebrate independent and up-and-coming artists who have the drive and body of work ready to wow anime fans.

    Below, we've prepared a brief FAQ to help aspiring showcase applicants for the big event!

  • Anyone is eligible to submit a video, but as it is an Anime showcase, your video must be done in an Anime art style. There are approximately 10-15 slots for submission and your video must be between 2 & 5 minutes in length to qualify. Special considerations may be taken for videos between 1 and 2 minutes.

    Participants must be 18 years of age or older. Special consideration may be taken to include artists under the age of 18, pending parental waiver, based on submissions.

    You can submit "adult", rated R, or 18+ works pending approval, which might include horror, suspense, action/adventure, sci-fi, etc, but the showcase will be a relatively family-friendly show, meaning hentai or overtly lewd submissions will not be included.

  • No! It can be a flash animation, hand-drawn, stop motion, CG, or any other method of hybrid. Whatever your preferred method of production, your submission is welcomed, except for AI-generated Animation.

    All submissions must be produced without using AI-generated assets.

    This showcase is designed to feature original works by individual artists to celebrate both Anime as an art form, but also the artist as an original content creator! AI-generated videos and images will NOT be considered for presentation.

  • Absolutely! The festival is designed to celebrate individual artists, writing duos/teams, or full animation teams. We can accommodate up to a team of 5 for individual submissions. Names for the full crew must be submitted on our application.

  • Contact or leave a message in the #help-me section of the Anime Magic! Community (Official) Discord server.